The Trance future is bright – welcome 2017!
Written by Pepo on January 15, 2017
Happy New Trance Year!
With 2017 already here, and many new Trance events around the corner, it was now good timing for a new editorial, especially since the closing of 2016 was also a sort of firework time in itself.
But, first things first, on behalf of the whole staff team of Trance-Energy Radio, we want to wish all our listeners (and readers) a happy New Year!
After major indoor festival Grotesque, here in the Netherlands, we were looking forward to the Christmas holidays, a time when families gather together to celebrate and share, a time to get ready to close the year and welcome the new one.
Making a difference with our projects
Here at the radio we were having many projects at hand, being the exclusive presentation of the second volume of Blastoyz & Friends one of the most important. Colleague and author Luciano Médica Catalán did a great job, with an exclusive interview to Kobi Nigreker, giving us a deeper insight about his new work and the state of psytrance in his beloved Israel. It has been a major success and we have all been witnesses of how powerful psytrance has become outside the Middle East.
Not long after that, our colleague and also resident DJ InKey was taking charge of a lovely charity work, the ShoeBox Project. Not many people know that all the work done at Trance-Energy Radio is totally ad honorem and the people behind scenes are always willingly to put aside their own time and responsibilities to give a hand where it’s needed. Having the Christmas holidays as background, we decided to give full gas to this project, which it’s also part of our Charity Program.
And what about Trance after all, you might be asking? Well, we had a great event going on from 29th December until 5th January, which took over the whole programming of our radio. The World Trance DJ Event was a great way to kick off the old year and begin the new one with the best exclusive sets from DJs from all around the globe. Thanks to Lisa and Dan Owen, who took care of the whole event, we enjoyed all different subgenres of Trance with DJs representing 38 countries. During the whole event, every day of the week a whole new experience was taking place, with interactive moments online where listeners and DJs could find each other while listening to the best Trance tracks. Of course, not everybody could tune in everyday and at every hour, and that’s ok, luckily we have them all on our Mixcloud account and our FB group.
In my personal case, I’ve tried to tune in as much as I could, being some days more active than others (yes, life goes on, especially when you are a full-time single mom as me), it wouldn’t be fair to name some, so I will just say that I was really lucky to have later the Mixcloud sets to listen all of them. Of course, there were some better than others, but this is mostly a personal taste. Anyway, all in all, it was an amazing experience and I personally felt really proud to be part of this team.
The feeling of Trance beyond words
2016 has been a really instructive year for me, not only I had the opportunity to go to more events than I ever thought and met people from all around the globe, I also have been learning a lot about the big world of Trance. But, mostly I’ve been learning to work in a team group, with people I barely know personally, who little by little have become friends. Together we share the same passion, to spread the love for the music we so much feel for; beyond words, Trance is a feeling that connects souls. It has been amazing to be part of this team and that is also thanks to our director and owner of Trance-Energy Radio, Pepo Tzacanitu. Thank you guys!
While the world was at awe, listening to Lisa Owen’s World Trance DJ Event, here in the Netherlands life went on, and I was amazed how powerful Trance can be to the extent of bringing people together for a good cause. This time was the birthday of one true fan lover, Hennie van Wijk, a really nice guy I’m sure you have seen at Dutch parties. Hennie sits in a wheelchair, he is an ALS patient but that doesn’t stop him to enjoy Trance in every party he assists. Of course, being a person in such a situation, he is dependent on others. How amazing it is when people around him had the great idea to celebrate his 50 years of life by throwing a surprise party in his honour. Together with PT Events they gave a great party on Friday 30th December. I wanted to come but due to personal reasons wasn’t possible for me. Still, we could all have a glimpse of such a great day with all videos and pictures posted on FB. A beautiful gesture from the Trance Family here in the Netherlands.
On the NYE’s day I was more than happy to go and celebrate with friends in Arhnem, where Dance on Trance party was taking place. Reality and my lack of time management (NS train’s services were working until certain time and I was too late to catch the last train to go to Arnhem) made it different, my plans for party were all of a sudden gone; I was stuck in my city and couldn’t find a proper solution. Of course I felt really frustrated. At the end, I could celebrate NYE by a friend and oh yes! I was so happy that Lisa Owen’s event was playing on, enjoyed so much Manuel Le Saux’s set while sipping some hot tea and eating chocolate bonbons! Indeed, the old year was already gone; the New Year was here telling me: there is always hope when you have Trance and good friends to share with!
New beginnings, new hope
And then we arrived into 2017, the World Trance DJ Event finished with a bang and it was time to move forward.
I was kind of wary about January because my personal situation didn’t seem to give me the freedom and budget to fulfil my desires and move on with a great party in sight. With 2017 rolling on I was looking forward to meet my friends and enjoy new party time again. Then things turned out different than expected and from one day to the other I was able to join a Trance event I was so much looking forward to: Menno Solo – 10 Year Anniversary. It was actually a matter of synchronization (I do believe in this), I was lucky to find an early bird ticket and got that Saturday free. On my own I went to Amsterdam that day with this deep feeling of gratitude in me; I knew this was going to be a great idea.
All in all, it was an amazing party! Menno de Jong played at his best, spinning Trance classics as he had promised; blowing the candles of a big cake in honour of his 10 years of career and giving us all the necessary goose bumps and best moments of a beautiful Trance night together. It was the perfect way to start this New Year full with promises.
And yes, Trance is here to stay, spreading its wings and stretching us into a great year ahead, with so many events coming our way making it a hard choice to decide which one should be the best to attend.
The year looks promising, I’m so glad to be part of this scene, not only by writing and supporting events, just being here, one with the flow. Always happy to see the smiles and bringing my high vibes! And also many great and new projects brewing and settling its path from Trance-Energy Radio, like the scoop of having FSOE radio show every Thursday with DJ Egyptian legends Aly & Fila, 2017 we definitely go for much more!
About the Trance party scene, there is a still lot to come, and beginning this coming Saturday 21st January with Luminosity & Flashover presents Ferry Corsten’s Countdown 500 in Rotterdam. Then it’s time for me in February, with my first Trance trip of the year direction warm Madrid for the 12th celebration of the Spanish collective Harmony Trance with DJ RAM as main artist and of course, maybe Luminosity Trance Gathering in Amsterdam (sort of warming-up with a great line-up) and absolutely yes to ASOT 800 Festival in the city of Utrecht. I expect to see as many trance lovers as possible.
Wherever you’ll be at, don’t forget always to bring your high vibes and your smile! After all, Trance is about connection and, of course, sharing the LOVE.
Best wishes and have a good one! Trance on 2017!
Paul hibbitt On January 16, 2017 at 08:31
In 2016 my wife and i started to go to trance events always loved the music but never did the clubs . I would like to thank trance energy for introducing us to all types of trance music .Weve met great people and had fantastic nights out.The trance family are a special kind..As for 2017 we shall have more great days and nights out . so thank you all for making us feel welcome into the trance family
Anatol On January 16, 2017 at 08:39
Always a pleasure to read your articles! Written with much love 🙂 Have a good one 2017, too!