Cosmic Gate
We, the first departing Lithuanians, met excited at an almost empty bus station during the late evening to travel to Poland, to an event we had been waiting for since the shining lineup was released. Gdansk and Sopot shone like the faraway trance destination we were heading to. From the early arrival to Gdansk to […]
Amsterdam Dance event is the showcase for all the biggest names and events in all genres of dance and electronic music. A State of Trance is the most well-known brand for trance events and naturally, the most listened trance radio show. That is why, the synergy of combining these two massive powerhouses had created a […]
It’s been already more than 2 weeks since ADE, and especially since the day Trance Family loved and hated at the same time because of two events happening at the same time – Luminosity (Lumi) and A State Of Trance (ASOT) ADE Specials. It was the moment when you had to pick the best one… […]
Almost everyone has a dream in their lives. Some are simple, some are unreal, but when they come true – you always feel amazing! It was the same with me – even a week before #ASOT810 I didn’t know that I would be there, and even after many days it still feels like a dream […]
One week later and still under the spell, after a major trance weekend event, I could barely put myself on tracks this week. The sparkles of an amazing experience still creep under my skin and along my back. First with Luminosity Trance Gathering on Friday 17th Feb, opening the Gala Trance Weekend in full-mode […]
After a long year waiting, A State of Trance Festival finally came. And it still feels as it went way too fast. An event that exceeded expectations and that brought some surprises: here’s a take on this night with the facts and my personal input. What an event! Every year ALDA events tries to raise the stakes […]