indecent noise
After over 2 years, dreams came true: I finally got the chance to come for Grotesque Indoor Festival 300 (GIF300)! If a few years ago I was just curious about it, it wasn’t until last year that I promised myself (and also to RAM, in fact), that I will make it to the next edition […]
Last weekend I was supposed to attend Married To The Rave (MTTR) festival in Orlando, with 3 different stages and one of them was the Trance stage. Some of my friends were going to be play there, so I decided to go and support them, even if the drive took me more than 6 hours. […]
OVERGATE , ROCKTEK , ART OF TRANCE in collaboration with CAP CREUS staff presents “EMOTIONS“ Three big organisator put together their work and made possible a night that defo wil not end so fast and for sure the sunshine will hit everyone’s face at the end of it. Three stages dedicated to 3 main genres […]